Friday, June 29, 2007

Yesterday was weird

No, no more drunks under tables. Not that kind of weird.

So many Upset-the-Fruitbasket of Normalcy things:
  • I'm teaching V. how to use the 'regular' database instead of the 'backdoor' (DOS-based...remember DOS?) she has used for 8 years. It will be easier for her, ultimately, and there is a giant threat of the DOS-based platform "going away." They've been saying that for YEARS, but it may be happening for real. And soon. Like possibly immediately.

  • We're selling our old computer equipment, first come-first served. For $35, you get a 7-year-old computer, monitor, keyboard and mouse. The first six were put out yesterday, and gone by 8:00 p.m. There is much confusion about what to do about people calling when we're 'out' because there are more in storage, but no one working last night knew which ones.

  • Inventory has restarted. This means a lot of faffing about for me: printing lists for the pages to check, and figuring out all the problems they discover. They did the 788-791 Dewey section yesterday and I ended up with about 40 books with issues.

  • Three reference questions when I was on the desk for an hour last night: 20 minutes helping someone set up a Yahoo email address for himself (the welcome message says, "Wasn't that easy?" Not for this guy!); 10 minutes trying to figure out "who funds" a scholarship app. someone was filling out so he "know[s] what they are looking for" (once it showed it to me, I discovered that it's the local community college's financial aid form--he's a bit of a flickering bulb too); and a lovely girl who quizzed me on how to become a librarian while standing about 20 feet where the guy was passed out on Monday

  • Why IS one person on staff still allowed to wear jeans at work?

  • The kicker is that when we closed, on the way out we (as usual) propped open the staff bathrooms...only to discover that one had been flushing constantly since the last person flushed. So, like, for three hours straight. So I ended up calling the director (she gave me directions on how to turn the water off), the custodian (no answer) and two other staff members (not home, no help) before one of the circ people finally got the shut-off thing to work. We left at 9:22.
Today I'm starting in a cranky mood because Sparky is double-booked (and we are too, by default) for evening activities, and I'm on the schedule a LOT today because one of our staff is having a Major, Partially Medical-Partially Mental Event and has been gone for most of the last 10 days, and there is a GIANT demand order waiting for my attention. Cataloging? Hah.

Oh, and I have to call the dress-fitting place and make another appt. to have her look at the "inserts" in the top which seem to be in the wrong places. Ahem. #@(#%& wedding!

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