Thursday, May 17, 2007


All you people out there in BlogLand? I'm dreaming about you. In typical dream behavior, I'm mixing you all together into different people entirely. For example, Lisa now has strawberry blond hair--and a slightly different hairstyle--and your name is Annie, but you still have the same child, although he's 9 years old and has dark hair, and we went to high school together.

On top of all the mix-and-match weirdness, I've added elements of The Sims like being able to redecorate and move walls at a whim. I think I even incorporated one of the books I finished this week.

I have a weird way of consolidating everything in my life. At least none of you ended up working with me! It's possible that I'm so zoned at work that I can't even remember it: I cataloged nearly 100 items yesterday, in 6 hours. Gotta love copycatting!

Today I have a staff meeting at 8, but I don't start actually working until noon, though I think I'll see if I can show upat 1 instead, otherwise I'll be there for 10 hours (minus a dinner break, which I usually don't take anyway).

Dreaming was more interesting. Can I go back to bed now?

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