Friday, May 04, 2007

Oops--she did it again

I think our scheduling person has turned into Britney Spears. They seem to be on the same mental wavelength lately.

Today, I thought Schedule Dingbat was actually here for the afternoon, since she wasn't crossed off her hour at the desk at 2 (normally, my name is written in there). So, at 2:10 even though she hadn't appeared to relieve me from my 1-2 shift, I came back to my desk and did some cataloging. At 2:45 I happened to see someone standing at the Ref Desk and no Dingbat in sight. I went out to see if I could help him (he's one of our nice regulars) and took a closer look at the schedule.

Dingbat, as usual on Friday, took the afternoon off (which is obvious, if you can read her psychotic writing). But she left herself on the schedule. Here's what her time today looked like:
9-9:45 work
9:45-11 meeting (offsite)
11-12 work
12-6 off
She's salaried. Where do I sign up for this job?!

And, my nose just started bleeding again. Stress-related? Naaah...couldn't be....

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