Saturday, May 05, 2007

Much better

I spent $164 on groceries this morning, mostly for tomorrow's festivities. That's almost double what I normally spend on a weekly shopping trip. We will undoubtedly have stacks of leftover food tomorrow, but that's perfectly fine. Beast leaves town tomorrow night for a few days so Sparky and I can nosh on leftovers.

We're having shredded beef tacos tonight, courtesy of Dinner by Design. My stomach is still cranky, so I hope I can eat them!

I forgot that I volunteered to serve communion tomorrow at the confirmation service. Thanks, Leslie, for calling to remind me!!

Sparky planted two rosebushes for me this afternoon. I bought them and they've been sitting in the garage for a month. This week they have leaved out (leafed out??) dramatically so I requested a hole-digger. They are planted in the garden when Cinnamon is; it's sort of a memorial garden since I bought the roses to remind me of Nathanael. My thought is to plant some herbs in there too.

Beast ordered our camera; it should be here in a couple of weeks. Finally. Yay!

Sparky told me that he is ok with me continuing to call him Sparky here. I thought now that's he's doing confirmation I'd let him pick a new name. He says it'll be too confusing if I start calling him something else. Aren't you glad to know he's thinking of you-all!? :-)

There is an ongoing search for all Beast's former D&D dice, which Sparky has appropriated. Oops, just as I typed that, the 2 hour search has ended in success. They were--shock!!--put away with the rest of the game stuff!

Tomorrow morning (and evening if you don't use military timing) for one minute a really cool thing will happen: it will be 5/6/07 8:09. Not sure why I care, but it's sort of fun.

Things are better. I no longer want to break anyone's teeth.

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