Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I got about 10 books cataloged today.

I spent far too long chatting with CT.

I taught V how to delete holdings from OCLC.

I finally cataloged the county road atlas that's been waiting attention. I was asked to do this about two months ago by the "cataloger" (huh, NOT) at another library. We have a meeting tomorrow and I want to give it back to her.

I called G about having issues with "all ports in use" problem.

I tried to figure out some problems we're having with serials. Not sure if I did. I'll check again tomorrow.

I read most of my regular email.

I talked to Music Dude about his rapidly degenerating relationship with his wife.

I worked the kids' desk for an hour.

I took a lunch hour--because....well, just because I'm sick of filling in for people who don't actually work.
In other words...what the heck did I actually accomplish today?

What a waste of a day. Or so it feels. Making the list helped.

However, now I need to draft something for this 8th-Grade Dance thing about my portion of the ....{blah blah blah blah}.... whateverwhatever. I'm too bored to actually care. How did I get myself in this? I totally don't fit in with this group of moms, and I think spending all this time on something like this is ridiculous. Oh well.

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