Tuesday, February 13, 2007

FABULOUS news!!!!!!

Tomorrow is, I think, the beginning of having to catalog all new books in two databases as the consortia switches over.

B U T!!

My library is not going to switch to The New Software Company in April (or, quite plausibly, ever). Most of the details have been worked out, and all that's left is for the rest of the various leadership groups to vote. As the director says, we are 99.9% sure of staying with our current software. But, yes, there are THREE levels of committees that have to vote on stuff. Could this be more bureaucratic?


This is fabulous news, though my glee is rather lessened by the fact that Some People's directors suck. Some People have to stay the course and lose their autonomy in the large morass of suckage that our consortium is becoming. Some People need to find a new job. Soon. Preferably nearby. Preferably at a library NOT using The New Software Company's products.

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