Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday morning early oddness

I just realized that I have two meetings next week. This is hardly a cause for celebration, but since Crazy Cat Lady is taking ten days off starting Tuesday, that means Schedule Nazi will have to cover her hours with someone other than me for that one day at least...

I didn't finish my homework for Bible Study. Too caught up in "Dirty Jobs." hee
We're reading James, which is a very short book; the study book is 13 weeks long; James has 5 short chapters. There's a lot in here. Luther hated it. I think Calvin loved it--it's very WASPy.

I did 45 crunches and about 10 sit-ups night-before-last, to show Sparky how to do them right (no, your BUTT shouldn't fly UP into the air every time you sit up, and your chin should point at the ceiling, not your feet). My abs hurt. I should probably do a few more this morning while I'm waiting for the shower.

I love our wind-chimes. They are emphatically NOT sopranos! They're tenors. The wind is blowing and they are rocking around out there, not frantically, just...tunefully. It's calming.

Beast is leaving town this morning for 36 hours. I just realized that he won't be at Youth Group Sunday night as he leaves on another trip in the afternoon. And I should've done a flyer on Monday for October activities for the kids. Rats.

Today is a long day. Not as long as my normal Wednesday. By this time most weeks, I'm just arriving at Bible Study (at 6:30). It was cancelled today. So I'm going to work a little early instead. I'll pick Sparky up at 4, we'll go work out for an hour, and then dinner at church after which the James Bible Study starts, and Sparky will meet with his confirmation mentor. We'll be home around 8:30.

It's really warm in the house this morning. Which means it will be polar at work today.

Are you bored yet?

I have to go get dressed and get the day started in earnest. Have a good 'un.

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