Friday, October 20, 2006


I just got an email from our pastor and realized that I'm so far behind on Session stuff it's not even funny. I have two meetings that I haven't typed up minutes for (ok, Grammar Police, I'll pay the fine for that sentence!), and I haven't made copies for the Official Minutes all year, and I haven't done transfers all year. I need to get on that.

In other news, I discovered that I've got over 13 days of combined holiday and vacation pay left for the year. About three of those will be used for Thanksgiving and then during December for holidays, but that still leaves me with almost 13 days to take off from work in the next two months! Maybe I will go to Ohio in December after all....

And I'm rethinking my niece's shower, again. I dunno: $200 just for the use of a room to host it at a restaurant (the food and bar charge is in addition to that)'s crazy. I wonder if there's a library meeting room we could use instead. I'd probably have to pay something for that and provide my own food, etc. Or just bag the whole thing and tell people they'll just have to trek all the way out to the Middle of Nowhere to our house, or my library.

The thing that's keeping my brain in a vague sense of togetherness is that there is nothing at all scheduled tomorrow. I have shopping to do, and I'd like to wander a sort-of craft show, and maybe visit a historical site that's doing special stuff, but there's no real serious 'plan.' I think Sparky is raking leaves for someone. Beast will do laundry. I should probably drag Sparky to the gym in the morning, too.

And then we get on the merry-go-round that Sundays have turned into lately.

Right. I'm off to breakfast with some folks from church, then to church to drop off some stuff that belongs there, then to work for 8 hours. Wheee. I hate the Fridays that I work.

What a note to end on.

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