Monday, October 16, 2006

So glad it's Monday

I love Mondays. I haven't worked (for pay) during the day on Mondays since 1994. It's a great way to start the week: after a busy weekend, having a day off to consolidate errands and take care of phone calls and that sort of thing is wonderful.

Yesterday was completely insane:
Sparky was liturgist at the 8:00 service at church, then I had Sunday School for the high school kids while The Boys went and purchased something to contribute to coffee hour (being done by the middle school kids). At 10:30 we went to breakfast at Six Balls, where we were seated next to backyard neighbors we first met this summer. Then it was back to church for a called Session meeting for me, Sparky's helping with coffee hour, and Beast's counting (which I helped him with after my 7-minute meeting).

Then we drove in towards the Big City scouting possible sites for my niece's baby shower in December. Key locations must be near a train station and sort of halfway between their suburb and our exurb. We came up with two good possibilities and some other less-attractive options.

Back to church, stopping to get gas and buy treats at DQ for Sparky's youth group. Dropped him off at church and returend 3:15 p.m. We were gone for 8 hours!

Talked to my niece about this shower business: how many people is she inviting (and expecting), are my thoughts about location appropriate, what date is best (the one where he sister can attend, or the one where her husband's grandparents can attend--the problem being one possibility is the weekend before Christmas and one is earlier in the month), etc. etc.

Made several other phone calls, and found no one home.

Read the past week's worth of the Big City paper...well, the parts I actually read (this only took 45 minutes, so that should tell you how much I actually read!).

Checked my family email and found pictures of Italy from my sisters' trip. Sigh.

Ate dinner. Got a stomachache. Watched TAR, and then the Broncos smack-down of the Raiders (hoo-hah) while I did a family email to everyone. Beast went to bed at 9. I took a bath and was in bed and asleep by 11.
See why I like Mondays? Today's list involves grocery-shopping, gift-shopping, calling restaurants about room use (see above), writing a newsletter article for church for next month, creating (and mailing) a flyer for the senior high activities, picking up a prescription, checking the mailbox in town, getting an allergy shot (I went to the allergist, but they couldn't do the shot--I'm out of referrals from my primary Dr.)...and working out (had a screaming match with Sparky instead, which raised my blood pressure and my heart rate just fine) .

WTF? I used to have a boring life!
Edited @ 3 p.m.
Edited again at 8 p.m.

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