Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well, it's Halloween. We have more candy in our house than some third-world countries. Sparky trick-or-treated for two hours, coming home with an overflowing bucket and pockets stuff FULL of more candy. Sigh...

I ran out of candy to hand out before he returned, so I had to call a neighbor and ask if she had extra. Of course, by the time I'd opened the bag, the kids were done doing walkabout, so we have even more sugar. Oy.

So then Sparky ate some dinner, some candy and crashed. And...I'm surfing around the gabillion channels and whaddaya know: Rocky Horror Picture Show is on! So I'm sitting here shouting at the TV, holding newspaper over my head, and doing the Time Warp and reminding myself NOT to throw toast in the house. Or hot dogs.

I love Tim Curry....!

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