Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sitemeter stuff

Just the funnies:
  • this much is true this much is true this much is true--you know, if you don't put it in quotes, it doesn't matter how many times you type it...moron moron moron
  • c*t fuck!ng gail--hmmm, I don't think so....
  • how m^ch benadryl to p^t cat to sl##p--as in zzzz, or as in ... something else?
  • how m^ch tylen0l to p^t a cat to sl##p--ditto...what are all these people trying to do this to their cats, anyway??
  • how m^ch of a cat's l!fe is spent sl##ping--what the FREAK! By the way, these are days apart in the actual list...
  • !ra gershw!n song model was j#nny z!pped z*pped--huh? No clue what this means!
  • m^ch as tr^e--I need to change my blog title....
  • headsh0ps in denver--the ever-popular search which I refuse to occlude because it's sooo freakin' funny!
  • [my first name] bed--how...odd, since I've used my name, like, twice ever here, and both times were immediately deleted. Just goes to show you that nothing goes away, really [and the search was in Italian, by the way]
  • sparky's retreat--heh, oops, didn't realize that was a copyrighted phrase
  • what can i take to repair my gums?--mmmm, how 'bout a trip to a dentist, fool!
  • "L0uis Catald!e" fam!ly--that's just fuckin' creepy; dude, find a different hobby, please. Mr. Catald!e is busy doing good things, he doesn't need you ... doing whatever you're doing. Here's a thought: learn how to use quotes on Google better.
  • [There are at least three hits from a friend's workplace...except she works in the midwest, and this is coming through from B*ysh0re, NY so now I'm concerned someone is tracking her internet use at work...]
  • [I'm so grateful that at least one gay pedophile doesn't have a clue about how to properly conduct an online search, even if it means he showed up on my blog by accident]
And hey, you people in Platts[]burgh, Syc-more, and M'wa-kee? You all log in around the same time: are you calling each other?? :-) Should I be (more) paranoid than I already am?

I'm taking the "[my first name] bed" suggestion to heart, now. Buenas noches.

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