Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday, at last!

I'm not scheduled to work today, but I have to go to a staff meeting at the local [stage] theatre for the county librarians. It's being done by our library consortia's Tech Guy, who is a giant, geeky puppy. It will be interesting to see the interaction. He's hysterically funny, though I'm not sure how intentional that is. So first I go get my hair done, then I have this meeting, then I come home and pack for Reunion Weekend.

Fortunately, whateverthehell was going on yesterday internally seems to have sorted itself out and I feel ok now. Hopefully that will continue.

Beast is spending the day here at home teleconferencing all morning and taking the afternoon off. He's beat: on the run for weeks and it's caught up with him.

I'll try to take some pictures of this weekend with our old 35mm camera and post them when I get the roll(s) developed. Don't hold your breath; this is old technology! hee

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