Thursday, June 15, 2006


I've been at work for approximately 2 hours. Here's what I've accomplished:
  1. Gone through the main part of my email.
  2. Cleared the pile of "errors" (actually changes that are requested from the Requesters of Changes). Not as many as I'd feared.
  3. Replaced a DVD that needs original cataloging back on the Shelf of Original Cataloging where it came from. I have 3 full carts of stuff to add to the collection, stuff the Requester of DVD Cataloging ordered knowing I'd be gone and it would pile up. I will do original cataloging only when I'm caught up on the full carts; I don't much care if someone is waiting. Perhaps she ought to think about this when she orders massive amounts of shit because she is taking time off later this year and wants to clear her To-Do List...
  4. Hashed over my week's absence and made sure nothing changed here. See no. 3: nothing's changed except I have a buttload of work.
  5. Begun to feel the bubbles of panic again re the merger/datamapping/etc. Must formulate a plan for cleanup. Soon. Or I will be taking meds for an ulcer.
  6. Commenced adding Demand Order items to catalog.
That's all well and good. I really am feeling panicky. I want to go hang drywall in 90-degree weather. What I need to do is resolve this cleanup issue (#5) and really get a handle on the inventory stuff. Maybe I can do that tonight since I work until 9 and it will be quiet(er) in the workroom then...?

God, give me strength.

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