Thursday, May 04, 2006


It's 4:45 a.m. I'm at work.

It's v - e - r - y
q - u - i - e - t.
The blowers aren't blowing at all, and I can hear my keyboard.

It's lovely. My goal this morning is to finish the "Welcome to the U.S.A" kids' series, which I started yesterday. It's taking forever because some have chapter titles, and some don't; those with titles need to be checked as I've found two with incorrect info (from CIP), and those without need to have them entered. It's almost faster to create the damn record from scratch than to make all these changes! I'm wishing there weren't so many states. To give them credit, the publisher incluced D.C. and Puerto Rico in the series.

Why am I at work at such an ungodly hour?

Because Sparky had to be at school at 4:30 to leave for his class trip to the state capitol. He'll be gone overnight, returning tomorrow afternoon sometime. It's easier to just come to the library and put in 4 hours of actual work before people show up. I have to work tonight till closing, so I'll be coming back at about 5:30...the weirdest split-shift ever.

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