Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What did I do tonight?

We had an appointment with our landscaper tonight at 6. So Beast came home early--around 4:45, instead of 5:30--and we ate a little earlier than normal. We cleaned up the living room and dining room--which we had to do anyway because Beth is coming tomorrow.

The landscaper never showed. I called her office number at 7 and left a "puzzled" message: "Where are you? Who is confused?"

While I waited (and waited), I cleaned house in my Gmail. I had accumulated almost 1000 spam messages, and around 850 'regular' messages. I deleted enough so that I'm down to only 475. They are also ALL labelled, in 16 relatively tidy 'folders.' That took me almost two hours, but it kept me out of the kitchen.

Beast got the bills paid. I sorted the pile of paper that's been growing on the kitchen counter (like mold) and threw away an awful lot of it; some of it ended up on my desk, which desperately needs attention. I found the schedule for the 2006-2007 school year and got all those dates entered in my datebook.

The whole landscaping thing has become a bit of a moot point anyway, because the management company that the Association hired was fired on April 18 (or maybe they quit)...and rumor has it the Association Board quit en masse the same day.

So that's the latest from Lake Wobegon.

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