Saturday, May 13, 2006

Takin' care

There are days when things go well, in spite of what it looks like from the outside. Today has been one of those.

It's raining, as it has for the last couple of days, as it is supposed to for the next couple of days. I still don't feel 100% healthy. My house looks like a Looney Tunes Taz has been in here. I spent 3/4 of my day at work today working on continuations -- and if you don't know what those are, say a prayer of thanksgiving right now! I'm very tired due to disrupted sleep for the past 3 or 4 nights, which has ended in me sleeping on the couch for parts of those nights.

I can't really figure out why none of those things is powering me down. There are some good things going on, too, as there almost always are if I pull my head out and look around at the wide world.

The corn has already sprouted in multiple farm fields around here; the rain is helping keep it growing. I love sweet corn in August! I emptied 2 shelves off my work cart today, and took the time to reorganize the remaining stuff into manageably separated material: adult books (shame on you--not that kind!), kids' books, non-book. I'm caught up on Bloglines, and I intend to weed out a few more "worky" blogs tonight. Beast has the old sofa out of the basement, so we now have a place to put our new acquisitions tomorrow. There is yummy pizza on the way to our house, due to arrive in 10 minutes or so. I begged our processing person who came through for me and finished prepping Season One of CSI for me, so I have that to watch this week. (ooooh, dead bodies on Mother's Day! yippee).

I got a call at work today from an acquaintance. In the course of the conversation, he told me he had spent quite literally all day trying to get it "unbooted." He had parked at the airport in Chicago this week, apparently in the wrong place. When he returned home, his car was booted. He went to the City of Chicago parking office downtown this morning first thing to pay his fine....and they wouldn't take his money. They made him wait for hours while they goofed off. He eventually paid them and they told him they'd call the airport people to deboot his car while he drove there. They didn't. He had at the point when he was calling me spent 2 hours in his car, unable to leave it because if he's not there they can't do anything.

I'm glad I'm not him.

The pizza has arrived, so I'll just add this, found at I N N I N G S:

I want one of these.

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