Friday, April 28, 2006

Phone calls

I have a question for ya'll, pertaining to phone calls from friends/acquaintances in this era of cell phones and/or caller ID. I feel like I may have missed a somewhat critical point of etiquette along the line, or rather a change in the etiquette of phone calls. I feel like Miss-freakin'-Manners.

Here's my general diagram of how a typical phone call should work, barring emergency calls, of course:
ME: Hello (sometimes adding the name or just generally sounding like I know who's there, if I do).
CALLER: Hi, it's (name). [Note: NOT "Hi, it's me" unless you are the only "me" I know] How are you?
ME: Fine. You?
CALLER: OK. Got a minute?
ME: Sure. [Or, occasionally, "No, I really don't. Can I call you back?"] What's up?
CALLER: [blah blah blah]
ME: [blah blah blah]
etc. etc. [but note, we're taking turns talking, both of us are generally NOT talking at once]
Does that look right to you?

Or is this the new way of talking on the phone:

ME: Hello.
CALLER: Hi, it's (name) [or "It's me."] Do you think we should snag an extra parking space or just see what happens when we get there? Because M. and B. are coming and A.'s husband is dropping her off and there are only 2 (and sometimes only 1) parking passes per room and it's a pain to have to go feed the meters all day. What do you think? [hollering] [Billy] you can't drive over your brother, stop doing that! I know, honey, but you'll hurt him. {chuckle}
ME: [pause] Well, I, uh, who's...when are M. and B. getting ther...
CALLER: M. will be there by 6 because [blah blah blah]. B. is coming later and [blah blah]. So that's why we need to save two spaces...
ME: But if ... uhm ... wait, I still don't see why we need to ...
CALLER: Be-ca-a-a-ause M. needs a place to park and she won't have a parking pass because she'll be the last one...
ME: Excuse me. Can I please finish my question please?
CALLER: ...and I don't know what your car looks like. What's your license plate number?
ME: [silence]
CALLER: [Cat?]
ME: [chilly tone] I was going to ask why we both need to save a spot for one person?
CALLER: No, it's whoever gets there when there is an open spot.
ME: Well, you'll get there first so won't...
CALLER: But I'll have a parking pass later and I can move my car and [blah blah blah]... OK?
ME: [silence]
CALLER: [Cat?]
See, if things have changed, then I've missed the boat completely and I'll just have to retrain myself.

But if they haven't changed, am I wrong in thinking that this is incredibly rude? Should I have called her on it?


By the way, this is a pretty accurate transcription of the first 1/3 of a phone conversation I just had--in case you couldn't tell. I've blogged about this situation before and it's just not a good thing. I need to face facts this weekend and get it sorted out with her before my head opens up and swallows her face.

Counting to 20, Cat, counting to 20.

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