Thursday, April 13, 2006


  1. I've seen the doctor and she said to baby my knee, take prophylactic ibuprofen (say that a couple of times fast!) for the next two weeks and see how we are then. Really, this was just to get the knee in the file for future reference
  2. My cholesterol has gone up 30 points in three years. Not so good. It still isn't horrible, but she did put a note in my chart that my dad had is first heart attack when he was 48. Risk Factor. So now 'I'll Be Watched.' I have a list of foods to try to cut back on and/or avoid.
  3. All of this is falling neatly in line with the hints I've been receiving internally that I just have to face reality and deal with weight, exercise and general health more intelligently.
  4. Came home to the phone ringing. My mother-in-law was going to leave a message that my father-in-law went in the hospital today because he's got pneumonia. This is, while not normal, becoming increasingly common. Hence, leaving a message at home rather than trying to call someone at work. She's also got pneumonia, but is on the mend. She sounded exhausted.
  5. Cinnamon fell out of the guinea pig cage this morning as Sparky was feeding him. It's about 3 feet off the ground, so it's a fair distance, and the landing is on tile. He was crying and squeaking like mad immediately after but eventually settled down to eat. That poor, stupid, pathetic rodent.
  6. Beast talked to the Homeowner's Association Management Company (HAMC) and got some good news: we are grandfathered into the old tree rule which means we only have to have 4 trees, AND they don't have to be deciduous--you do all know what deciduous trees are, right? So we actually only have to decide on two more trees, instead of six. Maybe I'll get my magnolia after all, and a snowball bush.
  7. A headline from today's newspaper caught my eye after I got home. It was about Flight 93. I've now read the transcript from the flight recorder and listened to two CNN news reports online. My stomach hurts. My head hurts. My soul and heart hurt.
  8. Then I checked my work email and found...well, I shouldn't've done it. Nothing bad, just another case of "Shut up you fucking fuckheads from Planet FuckNuts!!!" I think my skin must be nearly completely abraded; I rarely get this wigged out about the stupid shit that goes on, but I have lost all my defenses somewhere along the line. I did NO cataloging at work today, and decided not to go back to work after the doctor because I just can't deal with Those People anymore. I can't. I just...can't. I could cry I'm so frustrated, but then They Win. And suddenly I'm Writing In Capitals. WTF?!
  9. So. I'm going to open a bottle of wine, all of which Beast retrieved and replaced on the wine rack last night. I'm going to pour a bit into a glass, plonk in an ice cube, and go sit on the porch. If I'm feeling like I need to Do Something (damn, there they are again, those capitals!), I'll work on the misspellings list from hell. I think I'm up to the letter M actually. Progress.
  10. Today is Maundy Thursday. I don't think we're going to church. I sort of feel like I need to, but I'll be there tomorrow. Twice. And we have some scheduling stuff to work through tonight: there are three different things we (as a family) have been ignoring and need to sort out PDQ. I'm thinking I may fast tomorrow. I used to be able to do this; I wonder if I still can...

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