Sunday, April 30, 2006

I'm home

I'm home.

All of the photos that arrived before I left Friday are in place, except for my niece's wedding last summer. Which, ironically, leads me to that I'm almost as annoyed with "The Caller" now as I was when I left Friday. She is just so...


My roommate for the weekend was only able to work on her albums for about 8 (out of an available 45-ish) hours. She arrived with a back-ache and left with what she thinks is strep throat. Most of yesterday was a complete wash, and she left around 9 a.m. this morning. There was at least one more woman throwing up all day yesterday, and three women in ankle & leg casts. Rough spring all the way around.

I'm switching constultants in any case. And doing my best to make the relationship with my current consultant more of a neighbor one and less of ... whatever it is/was.

Meanwhile, in news of the rest of the world: Viva La Raza! [sez the pink-skinned chick in the corner]

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