Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Harmonic convergences

I just typed these chapter titles into a record:
What is a peninsula? -- How peninsulas are formed -- Peninsulas formed by glaciers -- Volcanic peninsulas and rift peninsulas -- Delta peninsulas -- Sand spits -- The Florida peninsula -- Life on the Florida peninsula -- Peninsulas over time -- People and peninsulas.
Peninsula is an easy word to misspell. Once you've misspelled it the obvious way 3 or four times, it's hard...er, difficult...to keep from giggling and snorting out loud.

Combine that with the new bottle of conditioner in my shower (I only have one of these bottles, but I couldn't paste a pic of just one, sorry) :

...and I seem to be having some kind of fixation developing.

"Sand spit" put me right over the edge completely into fits of laughter.

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