Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Good stuff

So in thinking about the post I did yesterday--the cranky one, not the poetry--I realized that perhaps I need to think about the good people I know to whom I don't give enough credit for keeping me afloat on a daily basis. I've already said I'm not terminally annoyed with those in my household, so I'm not going there. But there are a lot of others, in no real order:
  • Beth (both of them), Lynne, John W., Chris, John R., Paul, Jim W., Marla (both of them), Venus, Ken, Velma, Cheryl, Marty, Julie, Sally (both of them), Kate and Deb: My staunch Go-To people at church, the ones who hold my feet to the fire and keep me honest without destroying my soul. They are good folks. They are worthy of my trust and my honor, and I love them dearly. There are probably a dozen more that are equally fine people. I can't list them all, but they far outnumber the 5 or 6 that make me absolutely insane.
  • Amy, Chris, Jen!c@, Betsy, Molly, Robert, Shelly: Fellow bloggers who also keep my days from darkness. Thank you guys. I suspect I've missed a few of you, too. My apologies to those folks!
  • Those other bloggers who post stuff that amuses, educates, amazes, and thrills me: most of you will never see this thank you, but thanks.
  • Jenny, whom I've known for almost 24 years. Shit, girl, we're old now. Thanks for hanging in there through it all, and for EVERYthing, even the attempts to find all the white hairs! :-)
  • My sister Marie, who is a wonderful person. She never fails to cheer me, although knowing that would surprise the hell outta her.
  • My niece Elizabeth, who is in many ways my nearest-to-the-heart family member. We are soul-sisters. And my other nieces and nephews, most of whom are closer in age to me than my siblings. They all rock, and they make me very proud to be related to them.
  • My in-laws, the parents I never had, or duplicate parents, or something. Anyway. A girl couldn't ask for better ones. And my brother-in-law is amazing on so many levels. I am so luck to be in their family.
  • The stupid guinea pigs, who make me giggle and give something furry besides Beast to play with.
  • The service people in my town that make life easier, from the gas stations to the restaurants to the post office (I know, I know, amazing, isn't it?) to the grocery stores. Sure there are some that shouldn't be doing anything with customers, but the majority are good.
  • The coworkers I don't hate: The Boss—90% of the time; Techie Librarian—70% of the time; Music Dude—Who makes me laugh, a lot; Maniac; MEMtech; V; The Box Lady—about 70% of the time; Quick-Study; Book Clubber; Sout’ Sider; The Prankster; Classy; Catnip to Teens
So the next time I get all whingy, maybe I'll take a look at this list and whack myself upside the head. Life's not so bad. I haven't even covered people from my really far distant past!

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