Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I woke up this morning from the weirdest dream. This is a nice change from waking up at 5:45, I guess. Except I didn't get to sleep last night until after 12:30.

Yeah, this dream: I don't actually remember the details except that Amy was so broke she was living in a small corner behind/next to a hotel reception desk. Her digs consisted of a larger-size white dorm fridge, a cot and milk crates full of books. Oh, and her Ikea chair. Not entirely sure where her clothes were, but they were around: she was wearing several different outfits throughout the dream.

Sleek was in the dream too. In fact, Sleek came to see her specially and gave her a love note...sorta. [You'd have to know Sleek to know that it was a love note.] And there was some other very confusing stuff going on (confusing now; I'm sure it made sense in the dream).

So, cheers to Amy. Not sure what all that was about, but I guess I'll remember to call movers today! :-) I don't want you to have to move to a corner of the lobby of the Sheraton or Palmer House!

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