Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I've pared my subscription list down in Bloglines from 104 feeds to 93. That may not seem like a lot to lose, but those eleven feeds account for a good 20% of the quick-read, mostly throwaway blogs I had on the list. Most of them are interesting, but they also just eat up my time. I hope to unload a few more but it's HARD:
Obviously I'm keeping my friends and family (and my own), and the attendant comment feeds if available. Those account for 20 feeds.

There are my fun library reads: about 10. I need these folks; they brighten up the darkest work day. And I "should" keep all the PROFESSIONAL (oh how I love that word...NOT) feeds--about 20--because...I should. But I bet if I unloaded 3 or 4 I'd still get most of the info I need. I just have to decide which ones I can live without the most.

Already deleted a couple of the language ones, so I'm down to 4 of those. I could be down to 3, but I'm hoping Uncle Jazzbeau changes his mind and comes back.

I have to keep the HELP feeds and the laughable ones from the library system HQ (they are really badly designed and no, you can't find them because I've privitized them, for their own protection!). I think some of the latter are defunct. I should find out which ones....rats. That only killed one of them.

I'll keep the memes list as it is, and that's 24 feeds. Because I'm certifiable. And I love me some memes.

Then there are the Blog People: the miscellaneous folks that I love, and a more disparate group you'd be hard-pressed to find: everything from religious goodness to teenage angst to online verbal therapy.
The fact is that I read 92 blogs regularly, and no newspapers. What kind of a librarian am I anyway?

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