Monday, April 10, 2006

Back. Again.

As I mentioned Saturday, Beast's back has gone on strike again. He spent 20 minutes getting out of bed yesterday morning. From horizontal to vertical. I slept through it all, being exhausted (from life, not just shopping). In fact, I slept until 9:30 yesterday morning, which is unheard of in recent memory. Beast said that Sparky asked him at about 9 if I'd "left already." hee

Anyway. Beast didn't do a lot yesterday except try to get his back to unkink. He is walking a bit like Cinnamon, slightly wonky. He can't bend over very well at all, which makes normal things like picking up dropped items impossible.

Today we're going to the doctor. I'm sure this will mean X-rays, MRIs, and a lot of running around the next couple of days (or at least this afternoon). Beast was supposed to fly to Texas today and stay all week. He'd really like to be there on Thursday for whatever is happening that day, but I just don't see it. He might be able to get on the airplane, but I'm positive they'd have to carry him off.


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