Thursday, February 02, 2006


This has been one of the weirdest, consistently awful weeks for so many people I've ever experienced. A short list:

  • A friend's family in a car crash with one fatality and one severe injury. This in turn has lead to a family implosion (unfortunately, not all that unusual in circumstances like this)
  • A favorite coworker giving notice of departure; this person also has some medical stuff going on related to some prescription drugs which (IMHO) no doctor in his right mind should have prescribed for this person
  • Another favorite coworker revealing that his wife was ready to leave him last week (but now, somehow, has done a 180 and doesn't want to go...leaving him saying "what's up with women??")
  • Another coworker who has literally lost a pet somewhere in her house; it's been missing for a week and she can't find the body (obviously, a small animal)
  • Miss W diagnosed with diverticulitis and walking bent over like a hunchback yesterday because she felt that she couldn't miss this week's festivities
  • Another reference librarian with laryngitis and looking frankly miserable
  • Fecking subcommittee meetings and a killer headache for me; and a week of nearly total non-productivity
  • A friend falling, repeatedly, on ice and just generally having a crap couple of days
  • Sparky's got a cold
  • Cinnamon is not dire, but also not particularly healthy either
  • Tornadoes in New Orleans??
Some good things:
  • Survivor starts again this week
  • Beast has had a good week of travel
  • My head doesn't hurt as much
  • I work Saturday, and that usually means I'll get some actual work done then (in theory)
  • I think everyone in my family is relatively (ha ha) healthy
  • Papa Murphy's pizza is a working parent's dream
I just can't figure out if this balance sheet is only my perception or if it's the reality of a really lousy week for a great chunk of the world.

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