Wednesday, January 04, 2006


This seems to be the longest day I've trudged through in awhile.

I'm wearing a new L.L. Bean sweater (to my horror, I realized at lunchtime that it has PINK in it!), received as a gift from my brother-in-law. It's very nice, except it's 100% lambs' wool. That is, it's 100% itchy and warm. I'll be comfortable at church tonight, but I'm unpleasantly on my way to overheating here at work today.

To complete the picture, I have three books sitting here next to me on goats. Why? Well, it's a long story involving ponytails and knitting. Not my ponytail, and since I haven't knit anything in over 5 years, it's not my knitting either. It's a theme today. Sheep, goats, wool, itchy arms and back, and bloodshot eyes.

Two hours of reference has wrecked me.

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