Tuesday, January 10, 2006


The plan was to go to bed early this evening and try to catch up on sleep. Well, so much for that. I spent the last 4 hours fixing my Books to Read list. It's correct on the blog, but I resorted it a few months ago in Excel and saved it that way without thinking. So I've needed to go back and resort it manually; I picked tonight to do it for some reason. I'll update the blog with what I've actually read on that list later. That was meant to happen tonight, but I've actually got vertigo from staring at the screen so long. Erk.

The upside of that last bit is that I don't feel even slightly like having any snacks tonight; my stomach is too nauseated.

I sure hope tomorrow is a better day.

Ouch: huge, jaw-cracking yawn. Time for sleep.

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