Tuesday, January 24, 2006


3:12--My phone rings, internal call from Circ: "Sparky's on the phone for you, Cat."
"Hello, this is Cat."
"Mom, I'm staying to do the rest of my detention today until 4:45. I'm just reminding you."
"It's the last thing we talked about this morning when you left. I remember; did you forget that conversation?"
"Yeah. OK, wait. (YOU GUYS I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING!!!!!) So you'll be here at 4:45?"[He's calling from a classroom and it's this noisy?]
"Yes. See you then. Bye."
"Bye Mom."

3:33--My phone rings, internal call from the kids' room: "Sparky's on the phone for you."
"This is Cat."
"Mom, Ms. Stone can't stay today; she has a basketball game."
"Didn't the two of you figure this out yesterday?"
"Yes. She forgot. I have some homework, so come get me at 4:15, ok?"
"OK....4:15. This is going to mess up the plan for the afternoon and evening, but...ok."
"Bye, Mom. Love you."
"Bye, Sparky. Love you too."

3:35--My phone rings, internal call from Circ: "Sparky's on the phone again." (It's the first person who talked to him a half an hour ago)
"Mom, I forgot that I have [robotics] after school today till 4:40."
"OK, so I should..."
"...be here then to get me. Sorry. I totally forgot."
"[sigh] I'll be there. This makes the schedule easier anyway."
"OK, Mom. Loveyoubye."

My son, the Schedule Prince. I have to call the place we get our hair cut when I'm on my way to pick him up to see if she can get him in at 5 tonight. I am the Schedule Queen.

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