Friday, January 27, 2006

Sick Day

My headache remains huddled inside my skull waiting for the appropriate time to lurch back into full-throttled agony. My temples feel bruised. I went to get my haircut this morning as a test-run for work--by 8:30 I'd decided that a test-run was the only running I'd get to today.

So, I've been home the last two days (came home from work at 11 yesterday). Had a good cry last night, which (of course) didn't help. The only improvement today is that I think the nausea has disappeared.

I'm glad I stayed home. I just needed a vacation from fluorescent lights and gossip (oy!) and negative shit at work. I'm glad I stayed home, too, because I think Cinnamon really is on his last legs. He seized again last night a couple of times (that we are aware of) and by noon today he was seizing about every 20 minutes. Every time it's happened (this go-round) he's lost more function in his legs. I have him in a small box (actually, the one Amy's prezzies arrived in...) lying on a towel wrapped around the heating pad. He and I cuddled for about an hour on my bed; I thought he was done for and wanted him not to be alone.

He's still hanging on, but not for long, I think. He can't move except by army crawl. And the lunging about when a seizure hits, using only his left feet. The seizures are more like convulsions now, and less like grand mal epilepsy. His eyes are all cloudy, too.

Sparky is scheduled to go on a weekend retreat with the youth group from his church, so the timing is pretty awful. I'm not sure whether to hope that Cinnamon goes this afternoon yet, while Sparky's away, or after he returns.

Sparky also called while I was holding Cinnamon. I couldn't reach the phone (didn't know it was him) and he left a message saying that he'd neglected to type up a paper for one of his classes...for three weeks!

Plus, the phone woke Cinnamon out of a doze and sent him into 15 minutes of twitching and grinding his teeth.

I feel ridiculous being this wound up over a rodent.

I'm going to try to nap properly now, sans guinea pig.

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