Friday, January 13, 2006


Word of the day: sesquipedalian
(of words) long; having many syllables.

Quote(s) of the day:
"No one really listens to anyone else, and if you try it for a while you'll see why." -- Mignon McLaughlin

"Man has to suffer. When he has no real afflictions, he invents some." --Jose Marti [there's supposed to be an accent over the 'i', I think, and the 'e', but I can't be bothered today...]

Not to worry: no long words today. I'm taking a mental health day today and staying home. I'm tired, mentally drained. And last night I developed a sore throat which is still hanging around this morning. I could go to work, but my attitude sucks, and I wouldn't get anything accomplished since I'm on the Ref Desk for 3-4 hours on Fridays. So I'm taking a page from Headache Woman's book and just bagging it. They'll just have to deal.

In the interim, before the day brightens up, I've lit 6 candles in the living room/dining room/kitchen. I can see them all glowing in the dimness. I can smell them--mostly cinnamon but also some piney overtones. Lovely.

My plan today:
catch up the reading blog
tidy the kitchen
read something light and fun
play (I found a game last night that cracks me up: Chuzzle -- maybe I'll play a bit

Tomorrow is the state competition for Sparky's robotics team; we have to be on the road by 6:30 or so. Yet another reason I want to rest today!

So, I will think of all the rest of the wage-slaves today and apologize for taking the day off. Wish you-all could, too!

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