Saturday, January 28, 2006

Long day

I was awakened at 5:30 this morning by Cinnamon scrabbling in the box next to my bed. I'd put the box on a chair so I could see him (as if I'm not blind without my glasses). When I heard the scrabbling, I reached over to settle him down...and he was half out of the box, on his way to dropping to the floor. I managed to catch him and hold him for awhile till he settled down.

Thirteen hours later, after refusing food and water (tho' I forced some water down his throat two or three different times) all day, he just snarfed up 4 spinach leaves, some hay and a carrot. I don't know what to think. He's paralyzed completely on his left side, but he's got a little more spark in his eye now. 'Course, right now he's asleep again--eating takes a lot out of you, y'know!

Beast spent the evening and morning putting down carpet squares in the basement. It's going to look nice. However, he had to take a break this afternoon and go to the camp where Sparky is "retreating" and be a stand-in male counselor for the afternoon. So I've been on my own all and my bruised-feeling head. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage paintball with the senior highs tomorrow.... The upside is that my stomach has settled and I can eat properly. I made myself some pasta salad for dinner: nice. And I even did some dishes and cleaned the counter. I'm actually quite bored. Is that a good sign?

I found a new meme site this afternoon, too. Think I'll go do some of those questions and then close the laptop and tidy up the living room.

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