Monday, January 30, 2006

It's 10:30 p.m.?!

I did NOTHING today. I tried, I really did...I called the doctor's office. Twice. The second time I was told in no uncertain terms, "We're BUSY today. The nurse will call you back later." Whenever-the-fuck-that is. I called at 9:30 a.m. No one called me back from the doctor's office. Yet. Huh.

Actually, I did manage to make eye-doctor appointments for Sparky and me (his glasses broke on Friday--the normal thing when he's going out of town--they are repaired but rest wonky on his nose). No openings till March 3!

And I made dental appointments for us too. We're about 10 weeks overdue for those.

Yeah, but otherwise, what did I do today? Two brief spates of blogging/comment prowling first thing this morning and about 5. A long comforting bath. Several hours of Simming (I had a character freeze on me--had to marry her off to unfreeze her). Oh, and I typed up the minutes for last week's meeting. That was a guilt-offering: I missed the congregational meeting yesterday, for which I'm also supposed to take minutes. Forgot we had a meeting; too busy feeling sorry for myself.

I've reached epic boredom levels, so tomorrow it's back to work with me. My trusty bottle of Bufferin will be riding side-saddle. And what do I have to look forward to? The Subcommittee-from-Hell teleconference all afternoon.


I'm taking my vertiginous brain upstairs to bed.

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