Monday, January 16, 2006


1. I currently have 352 spam emails in my Gmail account. They crack me up. I got another one from Himmelfarb; still think he sounds like a spy. Then there's Jesus Baker, Miss Juliana, Feldman Glucksman, Billy Benoit, Emmanuel Finkelstein, and Lance Mims. But my favorite is Sung Buber, who is selling software.
{{click}} ... All gone now.

2. Yesterday, during the children's sermon they were discussing what the kids wanted to be when they grew up. We heard the usual choices: firefighter, baseball player, pre-school teacher, beautician, hunter (that got a giggle or two), artist.... The best answer, from a 5-year-old, was totally unexpected and unscripted: I want to be a dad. How often do you hear that??

3. Most of the Christmas debris has been packed up. Sparky and I are taking the rest of the ornaments off the tree today and putting everything else away by tonight. I hope. I want my living room back!

4. Beast missed a nail with his hammer yesterday and whacked himself in the finger. Technically, I guess he did hit a nail. There was no swearing; he said it didn't hurt right away, which sounds rather omimous to me. He's going to the doctor today for a checkup, so he's going to have them look at it to see if it's anything worse than a massive bruise. His fingernail has already gone halfway black.

5. The Bears lost yesterday! Hooray! And the Broncos get to play the Steelers at home. I actually had no strong feelings about the Colts/Steelers game yesterday: I like Jerome Bettis and Tony Dungy. Honestly, though, the officiating yesterday was absurdly bad....I've never ever seen a play whistled dead at the line of scrimmage with no flag. Yes, the refs killed the play because of offsides/false start AND THEN DIDN'T PENALIZE EITHER TEAM!! What a bunch of dorks.

6. We're going to see Narnia today. Finally. But first I have to get dressed and get something done around the house. Ciao.

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