Monday, January 09, 2006

Definitely Monday

Beast at work:

  • There is a major conference this week for him. He's scheduled to fly to Orlando tomorrow and come home Friday. There have been lawyers involved with one of the days' planning. Complicated, but I think it's worked out...?
  • When he arrived this morning, he discovered that the hotel at which the group from his company is staying has overbooked and wants to have three of them move to another hotel
  • The room for their meeting isn't set up right. I'm not sure if that means it's not reserved, or that it's not going to have all the 'stuff' they need for it.
  • He called our health insurance company to ask about an unpaid bill from...uh..September, I think...whenever he was hospitalized overnight...anyway, as usual there were questions about coverage. Aetna informed him, in passing, that as of January 1 they are no longer covering us. WHA'?? Yeah, when he went on paid disability in July they f^cked over his records so badly that he has been on the phone at least 5 hours each month since then. In August he was on the phone about 4 hours a day trying to get it all unf^cked. So, right now if we get hurt we are S.O.L.

Here at home:
  • The plan was to go to Sam's Club and make a short stop at the grocery store if needed. I hate going to Sam's. I looked at the list and realized that I don't really need to go to Sam's: all I need is pop, carrots, cologne, pop-tarts, bagels, bread, and some produce-y stuff. Woo-hoo.
  • The master bath is draining very slowly. Before Beast goes out of town, the drain needs to be cleaned out.
  • I need to empty the junk from the truck. It's going to the mechanic tomorrow, while Beast is out of town.
  • We don't have insurance??? OK then. I'm not going anywhere today. I'm sitting in a chair and being very careful not to fall down. :-) No, but seriously, it's a good excuse for staying home and doing some work around the house for a change. God knows it needs it. And the upside is that while I'm doing some of that, I can watch the newly-released version of The Sound of Music with all its whistles and bells. The joy of DVDs is that I can skip all the stupid scenes which don't belong and just watch the "good parts"

I suppose I should clear off the kitchen counters first. We probably have 15 feet of counter, and nearly every square inch is covered: a sweater on a drying rack, mail from the last several days, meeting notes, my hat and scarf, bagels from Panera in a big box, clean laundry (why isn't it in the baskets upstairs??), 5 lbs of apples, dirty dishes, candles, the dish drainer (empty), 5 or 6 partially empty 2-liter bottles of pop, and the usual debris that lands there regularly (receipts, ticket stubs, cell phone cords, camera stuff, etc. etc.), and the toaster oven/wooden spoons. Mayhem.

I need a maid. And a cook. How about a housekeeper?

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