Tuesday, January 10, 2006


...comma, free-floating...

Today: Catalog meeting
Thursday: Intro to [New Software Company] data elements
Next Friday: Item categorization extravaganza
February: Sparky's 13th birthday
March: PLA conference for a week

I need some medication. For some reason I'm really panicking about this stuff. It's so bad I had my first hot flash in about 10 months. I'm actually shaking.

I haven't done Collection Development in 2 months, and I've got a big project list here. That doesn't include the "recommendation" I just made in this morning's meeting that "we all" double-check ALL (ALL!) our coding before the merger. That's like reading a phone book to be sure all the numbers are correct.

At least we only have to read our own phone books, not the entire system....

Why is that not helping?

It would be nice to get the Christmas tree down before Groundhog Day as well.

Xanax? Tylenol? Cocaine? Baseball bat?

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