Thursday, December 08, 2005

'Tis the season

...for hateful shopping experiences.

Shelly posted something about this. I get so annoyed shopping that it no longer registers.


Yeah, I went shopping all day Tuesday. The first store we went in and actually tried to purchase something was Vicki's (she of the "Fashion Show"). I have my purchases, including one very impulse buy item. We stand in line. No, these registers aren't working. So I clump to the other side of the store with the women line in front of me. Already not having fun.

The first woman in line then proceeds to question EVERY SINGLE ITEM AS THE CLERK RINGS IT UP. I'm not kidding. She was around behind the counter looking at the monitor, questioning price, or God-knows-what.

Honestly, I didn't even notice at first. I was talking to my cohort. But eventually even I got curious about the delay. The delay continued...EVERY SINGLE ITEM, I do not exaggerate...I put back one item and opted for a less-expensive similar one...we stand...we shift...another clerk comes to help, seeing as how EVERY CUSTOMER IN THE STORE IS STANDING AT THE REGISTER. No, Clerk #1 doesn't need help. She says. {huh}

Idiot Customer, O She Of Plastic Foundation Face FINALLY PAYS. Her friend's items ring up tickety-boo. And it's my turn, at last. Ten minutes. It had to be ten minutes we stood there. By now there's even someone behind me (horrors, a man! hah).

My stuff is rung up by Clerk #2, while Clerk #1 goes and 'gets things started' for the man behind me. The one who just walked up. The one who hasn't even stood there 30 seconds.


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