Thursday, December 22, 2005


I'm still sick.

That's about all. I'm reading a lot, and doing crosswords. Can't sleep: my head's too plugged up.

I'm being bugged to get off the computer now because Sparky wants to play Runescape. He 'taught' Beast how to play yesterday, and then Beast was online playing for almost 12 straight hours.

I love the holidays, when we turn into slugs of the first order.

The biggest news is probably that I got to see and hear my dad yesterday. My sister found his 50th high school reunion video (from 1987) and sent it a few weeks ago; it's supposed to go in with the "family history" but it's really crap. Except... except I got to see him (and my mom) walking and talking, and telling a really stupid joke badly. Just like he always told jokes: badly.

I haven't heard Dad's voice in over 10 years. It's very weird. But I didn't cry. And that's huge.

Better yet, Sparky got to hear his granddad's voice for the first time in his memory.

Technology is wonderful.

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