Thursday, December 08, 2005


My legs were cold all day yesterday. Not my feet, or not particularly. My hands and nose were cold, but that's kind of normal. But my (well-insulated) thighs?? That's just weird, and an indication of just how cold it really was yesterday. I sat for an hour with a fleece blanket on my lap watching CrapTV when we got home (Road Rules/Real World thingy, and The Most Unexpected Things to Happen on TV) to absolutely no avail.

I went to bed at 10:45 under three blankets, in sweatpants and sweatshirt and heavy wool socks. If my hair were any shorter, I'd've had a stocking cap on, too. As I lay in bed trying not to shiver, I said silent prayers of thanks for:
  • blankets (We bought one for the Bethlehem family last night; I sure hope this little girl actually has a blanket already! She needed it last night for sure!)
  • central heat...and knowing that I could turn it up--and pay the bill--if I weren't so damn cheap!
  • sweats, fleece and warm socks
  • a quiet place to sleep
  • a full stomach
  • a clean smelled so nice and clean last night; I actually woke up smelling lemons, oddly
  • indoor plumbing
And I drifted off. I didn't sleep particularly well...woke up about 4 thinking about all the stuff that needs to be dealt with over the next 72 hours, mixed in with that odd lemon smell, and worries about T. from Youth Group who is 16 and dealing with more-than-usual teenage insomnia.

But I feel mightily refreshed this morning anyway.

And no, I'm not wearing my new boots, yet. Don't want to ruin them in the snow till I waterproof them. I can't remember where the waterproofing stuff is.

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