Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Word of the day: temporize \TEM-puh-ryz\, intransitive verb:
1. To be indecisive or evasive in order to gain time or delay action.
2. To comply with the time or occasion; to yield to prevailing opinion or circumstances.
3. To engage in discussions or negotiations so as to gain time (usually followed by 'with').
4. To come to terms (usually followed by 'with').
Quote(s) of the day:
"We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact." -- Jean-Paul Sartre
Mood: OK
Listening to: Blowers and gossip (see below)
Where am I? Work

Just came back from lunch.

The two senior librarians are klatching about another librarian. One of them--Crazy Cat Woman--has been on a tear for months about how the other librarian "never does anything." She has been making the rounds yet again about this of late. Now she's bending the ear of the Schedule Nazi about how the other librarian "needs more to do."

Oy. Shutten-sie up, folks!

CCW needs to get a frickin' life. The main reason this whole thing started is because the third librarian told her at election time that she shouldn't assume that their politics matched. And then proceeded to tune her out at every opportunity: headphones, reading at the desk when they are assigned together, etc. Which, admittedly, is rather passive-aggressive. Since they share an office, I can see why starting a verbal argument would be problematic.

Anyway. You know when you get a thought in your head and you can't stop thinking about it. Or a song (my song du jour is "Camelot" from the musical, because I was looking for the DVD this morning for someone: "...those are the legal laws..."). Normal people obssess on something like this for a day, maybe two, and then move on. By Saturday, I'm sure I won't be humming "Camelot" nor will I be worrying about our crank caller -- unless she calls again.......long story -- but CCW will continue to bend people's ears about how annoyed she is about ...blah blah blah blah....


On another annoying note, we have a guy in the Reference area today replacing bulbs in the "high" fixtures. He has to use a scaffold. Which beeps whenever he goes up or down. Which is quite annoying, since the Reference area is completely acoustically retarded. So patrons are cranky. And it's not very bright in that area either, since the whole circuit is turned off while he works.

It took him--no lie--2 hours to do one fixture this morning. There are approximately 15 of them to check.

And more in the Children's Room, but I'm not sure if they need attention.


And OCLC has crapped out yet again. Or still. Or whatever. So I'm at an impasse again.

That should go some distance toward explaining this v e r y - l o n g post.


On the up side of things, the weather is lovely and sunny. We are expected to have some actual Weather this afternoon and evening, called "strong storms" by, "severe" weather by the National Weather Service, and "tornado watch" by NPR while I was at lunch.

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