Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Word of the day: salubrious \suh-LOO-bree-us\, adjective:
Favorable to health; promoting health; healthful.
Quote(s) of the day:
"The price one pays for pursuing any profession or calling is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side." James Baldwin
“Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” Mark Twain
Mood: Good
Listening to: Blowers
Where am I? Work

Dither, dither, dither.

I’ve met someone who can dither better than me. Well, actually, I’ve known her for 33 years: she is my niece. We got about 100 invites done yesterday. Was she organized? Sorta. Was she focused? Nope. Is she Bridezilla? Nope, thank goodness. She’s just dithery. And they aren’t done yet.

An example of scintillating conversation:
Her: Uh-oh. We call him Phil, but shouldn’t we address the inside envelope to Phillip and Donna?
Me: One L or two?
Her: What??
Me: Is it spelled with one or two Ls?
Her: I don’t know.
Me: Then just write Phil and Donna on the envelope.
Her: What about the outside envelope?
Me: Same thing: Mr. and Mrs. Phil Whatever.
Her: But that’s not formal!
Me: Is he going to care? Is SHE going to care?? Will they even notice?
Her: No, probably not.
Me: [firmly] Phil.
Her: [meekly] OK.
This is after she insisted that we “can’t” write Mr. and Mrs. Phil and Donna Whatever because it’s against the rules. Fuck the rules. Plus, she knows a lot of veterinarians. Do you know how stupid it looks to write Mr. and Dr. Phil Whatever??

[Please, please, do not write me about what Miss Manners says about this issue. Or anyone else in the etiquette field. I love Miss Manners. I hate wedding invitations.]

I’m so glad I’m done with that phase of my life! Have I said that recently? Yes, probably too often.

But March is here. It's the Women's History Month, as I recall. Winter "officially" ends this month. We have crocus trying to sprout in the garden (under snow, of course). The night of winter is lightening. So there are reasons to rejoice.

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