Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I'm sick. And tired (cuz tired always follows sick)

Word of the day: stygian (also Stygian) \STIJ-ee-uhn\, adjective:
1. Of or pertaining to the river Styx, the principal river of the underworld in Greek mythology; hence, hellish; infernal.
2. Dark and dismal.
Quote(s) of the day:
"The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair." --Douglas Adams
Mood: Good
Listening to: Blowers, chit-chat
Where am I? Work

I spent most of the day yesterday convincing myself that it was just some kind of allergy-thing. But it's not: it's a cold. I guess my body has decided that it's safe for me to get sick now that The Beast's surgery is done and all the other drama of winter is (seems to be) passing.

And I had an epiphany about my mom this morning, in the shower where all epiphanies seem to happen for me. So hopefully that means I can deal with her a little better than before.

On the down-side, I've gotten virtually nothing done today since arriving at 8 a.m. I feel like I'm trying to run underwater, with weights on my legs. It's not helping that what is waiting to be cataloged are skinny Spanish (kids) books and continuations like The Million Dollar Directory.

Oh, well. I still somehow am feeling perkier.

I smelled wet, springy dirt in the air this morning: Spring Is Coming! The days are no longer stygian... heh

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