Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Midweek review

Mood: OK, surprisingly
Hair: Barrette, 40s-style
Listening to: the blowers; anticipating fireworks when Migraine Librarian gets here...

  • ...because the city has granted us the day off on 12/27 "for travel." Which is oh-so-generous, since normally we are open even when the city has declared a holiday. This time it applies to the entire roster of city employees except (of course) fire and police. The letter very specifically says that.

    Migraine Woman isn't on the schedule on Mondays. Therefore, she always takes off the Tuesday after a Monday holiday, i.e. she calls the last Tuesday in May her Memorial Day and takes it off. She's salaried; we aren't unionized. Can you say "Double-Dipping?" She's been off for the last week, but we got the 12/27 letter the week before she left and she announced that she wouldn't be here on 12/28. Today's the first day she'll be back now that the city manager has definitively said that the day is 'non-transferrable.'

    [By the way, I don't work Mondays, so I don't get the day off either.]

    I can't wait to hear her ranting today. I don't even want to wear headphones. {evil chuckle}
  • My oldest sister called last night. Mom's in the hospital. Again. (She was there Saturday morning after calling Lifeline both Friday and Saturday mornings because "she couldn't get out of bed.")

    The doctors say it's either mini-strokes (TIAs) or dementia. I think it's because her glucose level has been out of whack for so long that it's started to affect her cognitive skills. I'm hoping once she gets stabilized in that area some of her (limited) skills will return. But we are looking at assisted living almost certainly.

    So that means I'll probably have to head to Colorado soon. For how long? Who knows. If she's not going back to her apartment, we have a LOT of ... stuff ... to get sorted out.

    Let the arguing over the possessions begin...
  • I still haven't sent Xmas cards, or mailed packages. I can't seem to get moving this year. I'm feeling like a deer in headlights. I have all kinds of fabulous excuses; for instance, last night was Star Lab at Sparky's school. V. cool: an inflatable mini-planetarium with star charts, astrological cylinders for several cultures...but we didn't get home till 9. The Beast was at church--his last Session meeting, woohoo!--from 6 until 9, so we didn't see each other yesterday much. Our lives are pure chaos.
  • On the other hand, my head doesn't hurt, I'm not dizzy, and I think I may actually get some work done today! So, here I go, to find out.

Addendum: Best part of yesterday was lunch after the consortial cataloging meeting, with Amy. We had bagel sandwiches--she at least had breakfast at 10:30, I had lunch--at a place that always reminds me that I'm not in my hometown. It's very 'eastern U.S.' in a totally undefinable way. Or possibly it's just that it's so entirely 'not-Western U.S.' Plus, the women's restroom cracks me up: lovely stock 'Greek atmosphere' photos in cheap black frames, with plumbing fixtures from the 70s.

Anyway, the discussion was, as usual, lively, entertaining, jaw-dropping (are you doing that part on purpose, A??), and fun. And she looked good. We didn't talk about the Ponytailed One at all, but Cute-Eyes was discussed, so see it is germane that she looked good. ;-)

So that's the news from Lake Wobegon....not. Not a Lutheran in sight, methinks.

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