Thursday, November 18, 2004

Fun with blog design -- and stuff

Not actually design per se. Just some tweaking. Maybe that will encourage me to write more here, as I've gotten discouraged. {shrug} We'll see. It could just be that time of the year.

I have decided that I'm going to start my Reflog up again. I seem to be on service desks a lot more again lately at work, and this will serve the dual purpose of tracking the wackoids as well as proof that I really am "on the desk" more.

Besides, I'm afraid to use my PC to do anything weird at work now, having done something so incredibly bad it now looks as if the whole hard drive will have to be wiped and reloaded. What a freakin' pain.

Sparky is on a field trip today to the Lyric Opera and the Art Institute. Kind of cool, just one of the perks of living (vaguely) near a big city.

I'm feeling very immature about him today, better than last night, but still pretty irked at something The Beast came across in Sparky's room while searching for his fanny-pack. The good news is that he found Sparky's Bible; part of the bad news is that it has apparently been left outside in the rain at some point. Just from the book-damage issue itself we are both annoyed at him, but to leave his 4th grade gift Bible to get this messed-up, and not tell us is really frustrating. And that's just the intro to why I'm irked. Kids are...challenging. sigh

No advice solicited, just blowing steam.

All right, I need to go make The Beast his birthday cake (actually Amish Bread is the order of the day) before we go pick Sparky up and go to dinner.

By this time on Sunday, I should have a bunch of scrapbooks done. In any case, I'll have had a great couple of days to get away from "reality" before getting down to business about Thanksgiving planning.

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