Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Etiquette question

Mood: OK
Hair: Big barette
Snappy Comeback NOT to be used today: Do I look like a people person?

So. Backstory:
Sunday we were at a silent auction, a fundraiser for disaster relief. We knew most of the people there, and vice versa (or "vicey versey" as I said as a child). We bid on four or five things, but I don't think I bid more than $10 on any single item.

We got a call in the afternoon that we "won" two things--the teddy bear and the CD rack--and needed to pick them up Monday with a check for $20. Odd, but ok....I didn't remember bidding on the bear.

Went to pick them up yesterday and...well, I didn't bid on the bear. The bear had Sparky's name on it. But not written by Sparky, written by an adult. I think I recognize the writing; it's someone who thinks Sparky is a "cool kid."

Anyway, I wrote the check (good cause and all that, and the bear IS cute), and quizzed Sparky after school. He disavowed any knowledge of it: never asked anyone to write his name down, never said he wanted it, never did more than touch it as he walked by on Sunday.

I'm really annoyed. The person I think did this is on my Difficult to Deal With List for other reasons. I called the auction coordinator and asked her if she thought I was making a big deal out of it (assuring her that the money isn't the issue)--her answer was no! Very tacky to write down other's names; next year they'll do it differently, etc. etc.
Question: Do I confront the person I suspect? Can I do it tactfully somehow? I don't want to lie and say Sparky got in trouble because he didn't really, but how do I approach this? Am I making a big deal out of nothing?

I really want to punch her out. Guess that ultimately would be counterproductive. And I don't KNOW for sure that she did it, but between her handwriting and the fact that her child was the previous bidder, there is some circumstantial evidence.

Kicker: I have a meeting with her tonight, of the committee that is a large source of my previous "Breathe, Just Breathe; Don't React" issues with her.

Now I really need to get some work done, because today is the ONLY DAY THIS WEEK I WILL BE HERE. Yee-haw!

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