Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Yep. It's Tuesday. Notable lack of cheering heard

Mood: Tired
Hair: Maybe I shouldn't get a mirror after all
Snappy Comeback NOT to be used today: I don't work here; I'm a consultant. (Thanks JPR!)

My to-do list for the day (more realistically, the week):
  • Call High School re yearbooks (ask [boss] if we sent them a check last year for the 03-04....and order 04-05)
  • Explain Suppression list details to [92-year-old Tech who rocks]
  • Work on CDs (new AND gift)
  • Work on DVDs (new AND gift)
  • Find Booknotes and do analytics (809.048, 973.0922, 973)
  • Fix Board Books and Alcott bio

I'm also on call to register voters for a couple of hours, this being the last day to do so in the great state where "vote early and vote often" is the credo. Not a chance I'll get my list accomplished today. The first item alone I know will sap all my psychic energy--so glad I don't have Jenica's job! :-)

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