Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Day in the Life

9:30 This CD, and specifically track 3 “Liberation,” sounds like the soundtrack for CivIII. I’ll have to check the credits next time I (or Sparky) play. It’s rather eerie, and in fact, I’ve had to swap out because it’s making me just want to go home and play – mind you, this coming from someone who turns the sound off when I play because it’s so damn annoying. Now listening to Aerosmith again (different disc though—“Toys in the Attic”).

CDs sampled today (besides those listed above):
· Grand Funk Railroad “E Pluribus Funk” (huh—welcome to my childhood)
· The Heptones “Deep in the Roots” (REAL reg—yeah, I’m a snob)
· Paul Simon “Graceland” (new version with 4 extra tracks—the “Homeless” demo is haunting)
· Würzburger Perkussions-Ensemble “Drums” (I shoulda been a percussionist)
· The Master Musicians of Jajouka "Apocalypse Across the Sky" (hmmm)
· Jenica's Mix I (because I need something "normal" after that last one)
LUNCHTIME (Over the course of two-plus hours at my desk): Several handfuls of sunflower seeds, three Babybels, small baggie of Wheat Thins (low sodium), two cookie-dough Pop-Tarts. All washed down with some of the liter bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper. Junk food princess strikes again.

2:00 Random Stuff: New screensaver today: Starry Nights. Not VanGogh. Hopefully it won’t crash my PC, or Sleek will surely say mean things about me when I’m not here on Friday. Oh well, actually, he may say them anyway, regardless of what I do today...

Speaking of technology, our PC at home has been misbehaving. So in an attack of pique, I installed Ad-Aware on it last night: it cleaned off over 300 critters. While updating ye olde book blog, I got an alert from McAfee that it had snagged a trojan. Ran the virus check, and it found three more! ack So I ended up defragging while I was potzing about, which told me that several (smallish) sectors of our hard drive are whacked.

And wasn’t that just a ton of fun? Well, I will say that it was at least better than having the trojans deploy.

Best part? Once I was done, doing ANYTHING else (even cleaning up the living room and kitchen!) looked like a barrel of laughs.

3:30 Never thought I'd say these in the same sentence: This is the order of the DVDs currently piled on my cart:
The Exorcist Trilogy, The Passion of the Christ, Once Upon a Potty for Him, Mean Girls, It's Potty Time, Heidi, Clear and Present Danger
Who says we don't buy for everyone?? Especially if you have "potty" issues.

Must go get Sparky from school. He's coming back here with me for an hour, then a quick run for flowers and to church for dinner. I will probably spend the hour clearing my desk at home off: it's a disaster. And helping him with homework.

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