Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Hump Day

Mood: 80% turnaround from Monday! whoop
Hair: down & curly

01. You are a character from a children's fairy tale or nursery rhyme. Who are you and why?
Little Bo Peep. Cuz I think my sheep have hit the road again.

02. You are a magic potion. What is your main ingredient(s) and what are you used for?
Pay Attention Potion. Pinch of earlobe. I think that should be self-evident.

03. Tell us your favorite joke. It can be naughty but clean up the language, puhleeze.
>Some comedian about 10 years ago--sorry, I don't remember his name--said the lyrics to Elton John's song "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" sounded more like an orgy at Disneyland. I love that line. [As a memory aid: "...Laughing like children / Living like lovers / Rolling like thunder under the covers..."]
>I also like George Carlin's schtick on Two-Minute Warnings.
>And Richard Pryor's bit on his heart attack(s).
>And, let's not forget Bill Cosby's ...Funny Fellow... album, which is classic. I've had the whole thing memorized for 30 years!

04. Imagine you're in the Old West. What town character would you be and what would your colorful nickname be?
This is such a gimme: Miss Marian, the Librarian (ok, if it's a small town, I guess I'd have to be the teacher, too). Hopefully I wouldn't be the awful kind of librarian/teacher.

05. You are a mythological deity/god. What are you the god of? What offering(s) would worshippers lay at your feet? If one displeased you how would you smite them?Goddess of Completed, Quality Work. People would need to leave offerings of neatly and thoroughly completed projects at my feet. If someone tried to scam me, the punishment would be to do the same project twice over, having lost the first two attempts (due to computer problems or what-have-you). And they'd have to listen to Ulysses (James Joyce) on tape/CD while working, and turn in a detailed synopsis of the plot. If I really got angry, they'd have to do Ulysses and Remembrance of Things Past (Proust). Don't mess with me!

Hey Amy, THANKS!! I'm on track 4 of "my" mix; when can I look at the playlist?? Patience, right...

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