Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Dude, where's my desk??

Mood: Better than yesterday. Faint praise
Hair: Blown out

There were things stacked everywhere on my desk this morning! aaaack

[you should probably know that I have an area of about 18" x 11" square that works as a functional workspace--my 'desk' is a computer table about 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep]

So first I had to unstack everything to get to the monitor to turn it on. At which point I realized Someone Has Been Using My Computer (and left it hung). So I restart...

...and may I add that I haven't been here since Saturday, so it wasn't I who "broke it" this time! ;-)

--1 "needs barcode" note
--3 books that have been repaired but they can't read the call number; please reclass
--1 book tech is arguing the call number before she types the spine label (she's right...grr)
--7 books that I forgot to source properly so the other tech can't find the right records in the database
--2 books from the kids' librarian that should/shouldn't be easy readers (one she also wants in nonfic, even though it's a story....ok, whatever)
--2 envelopes with items returned from HQ/Catalog Maintenance
--a note from scheduling person asking if I can work 4 hours on desk (Ref & circ) tomorrow morning (9-1) because "we have a class coming in at noon." Sure. Just don't expect those kids' books on my cart to get cataloged this lifetime, ok? (Schedule person=Kids' librarian) Retaliation is low, isn't it?
--note from boss asking if I can attend an online/phone training session today or tomorrow because the ILL person won't be here either day...I really can't be here for the full session for either day. Plus, the ILL person has just walked into the room and is currently sitting right next to me. So why can't she do this??

Opened my task list in Outlook and was hit with 6 'overdue' tasks. I have waded through most of them, put off the rest till later. So, 45 minutes into the day, I'm ready for work. Finally.

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