Wednesday, April 14, 2004

More mindful surfing...

Mood: Tired, sore
Hair: ugh

Love this quote, from the Fark forums re librarians arguing against filters: 'An interesting line I read recently about librarians vs. politicians (I think this was about the USA PATRIOT Act, but it applies here) - "Politicians need to realize that they are up against a formidable force when dealing with librarians, and that they are unbelievably outclassed in terms of intelligence, honor, and credibility." '

This one's pretty good too: 'They are subversive. You think they're just sitting there at the desk, all quiet and everything. They're like plotting the revolution, man. I wouldn't mess with them..." -- Michael Moore on librarians'

I love these guys; here's another one: 'there have been numerous instances of librarians getting together and wielding crazy amounts of clout for free speech. unbelievable amounts of clout, and I'm still not sure how. but I know that you do not fark with the librarians.'

My favorite? 'Dear Any Librarians Reading This: You rule. Thanks.'

Here's the thing: we librarians really don't take sides in determining good/bad/icky/whatever. We'll don't even care if you must involve yourself in a site such as little green footballs (which I was going to link, but don't want to give it ANY credibility personally). Ick. But if you feel compelled to give this guy any of your time, it's not my job as a librarian to stop you.

[as a human, however, THAT's a different story...]

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