Thursday, April 29, 2004

Let's not forget...

...the Thursday Threesome:
Hmm... Does anyone remember this song? ::Goodie Two Shoes::

Onesome: Goodie-- What is your your favorite "goodie" you treat yourself to when you've finished a project or maybe even just survived a long day? Ice cream? ...a long bath? ...a good book? Book in the bath with a glass o' wine. Or if the day was really bad, vegetative TV.

Twosome: Two-- Quick! Two things that make you smile! No thinking, just write! Jenny (ok, she's not a "thing" but she ALWAYS can get me to laugh) and puns. And almost any movie musical, in case you won't let me say Jen.

Threesome: Shoes-- ...and how about your favorite pair of shoes? You know, the ones you look for an occasion to wear! (Yes, guys that ratty pair of tennis shoes does count...) I'm wearing them: slides with pale blue suede tops. Who needs an occasion? I wear them all summer! I also like my Minnetonkas...and they are only 'inside shoes.'

OK back to work.

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